19.3 *TENSION STIFFENING: Define the retained tensile stress normal to a crack in a
*CONCRETE model.
This option is used to define the retained tensile stress normal to a crack as a function of the deformation
in the direction of the normal to the crack. It must be used with and appear after the *CONCRETE option.
The *TENSION STIFFENING option can also be used in conjunction with the *SHEAR RETENTION and
Product: ABAQUS/Standard
Type: Model data
Level: Model
“Concrete smeared cracking,” Section 18.5.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User’s Manual
Optional parameters:
Setthis param eter equal to the number of field variable dependencie s included in the definition of the
postcrackingbehavior, in addition to temperature. If this parameter is omitted, it is assumed that the
postcracking behavior depends only on temperature. See “Specifying field variable dependence”
in “Material data definition,” Section 16.1.2 of the ABAQUS Analysis User’s Manual, for more
Set TYPE=DISPLACEMENT to define the postcracking behavior by enteringthe displacement,
, at which a linear loss of strength after cracking gives zero stress.
Set TYPE=STRAIN (default) tospecify the postcracking behavior by entering the postfailure
stress-strain relationship directly.
Data lines if the parameter TYPE=STRAIN is included(default):
First line:
1. Fractionof remaining stress to stress at cracking.
2. Absolutevalue of the direct strain minus the direct strain at cracking.
3. Temperature.
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