4. Orientation of rebar in degrees. See Figure 17.10–3.
5. Fractional distance from the edge given below, f(ratio of the distance between the edge and
the rebar to the distance across the element).
6. Edgenum ber from which the rebar are defined. See Figure 17.10–4 or Figur e 17.10–7.
7. Isoparametricdirection (for three-dimensional elements only).
8. For axisymmetric elem ents only, the radial position at which the spacing of the rebar is
measured. If this entry is nonzero, the rebarspacing is assumed to vary linearly with radial
position. If this entry is zero or blank, the rebarspacing does not vary w ith position.
Repeat this data line as often as necessary. Each line defines a layer ofrebar.
Data lines to define a layer of uniformlyspaced rebar in continuum elements (SINGLE parameter
omitted) when the layer is parallel toonly one isoparametric direction in the element’s local
(isoparametric) coordinate system (GEOMETRY=SKEW):
First line:
1. Elementnumber or name of the element set that contains these rebar.
2. Cross-sectionalarea of each rebar.
3. Spacingof rebar. The default is 1.0.
4. Orientation of rebar in degrees. See Figure 17.10–3.
5. For axisymmetric elements only, give the radial position at which the spacing of the rebar is
measured. If this entry is nonzero, the rebarspacing is assumed to vary linearly with radial
position. If this entry is zero or blank, the rebarspacing does not vary w ith position.
6. Isoparametricdirection (for three-dimensional elements only).
Second line:
1. Fractional distance along edge 1, (see Figure 17.10–5).
2. Fractional distance along edge 2, .
3. Fractional distance along edge 3, .
4. Fractional distance along edge 4, .
Only the two values correspondingto the two edges that the rebar intersects can be nonzero.
Repeat the first and second data lines as often as necessary. Each pair of lines defines a layer of rebar.
Data lines to define a single rebar in continuumelements (SINGLE parameter included):
First line:
1. Elementnumber or name of the element set that contains the rebar.
2. Cross-sectionalarea of the rebar.
3. Fractionaldistance, , locating the rebar ’sposition in the ele ment (see Figure 17.10–6).
4. Fractional distance, , locating the rebar’s position in the element.
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