Set this parameter equal to the name of the *TIME POINTS option that defines the time points
at which output is to be written. If this parameter and the NUMBER INTERVAL parameter are
omitted, field output will be written at 20 equally spaced intervalsthroughout the step.
The NUMBER INTERVAL and TIME POINTS parameters are mutually exclusive.
The following parametersare optional and valid only if the HISTORY parameter is included:
Set this parameter equal to the name of the *FILTER option to be used to filter the element, nodal,
contact, fastener interaction, or integratedhistory output.
SetFILTER=ANTIALIASING t ofi lter the data based on the sampling interval that is specified;
in this case the filter does not needto be defined in the model data. IfFILTER=ANTIALIASING,
the TIME INTERVAL parameter is required and the FREQUENCY parameter cannotbe used.
Set this parameter equal to the output frequency,in increments. Theoutput will always be written
to the output database at the last increment of each step. Set FREQUENCY=0 to suppress the
output. If both this parameter and the TIME INTERVALparameter are omitted, history output will
be written at 200 equally spaced intervals throughoutthe step.
The FREQUENCY and TIME INTERVAL parameters are mutually exclusive.
The following parameters areoptional and valid only if the FIELD or HISTORY parameter is
Set OP=NEW (default) to indicate that all output database requests defined in previ ous steps should
be removed. New output database requests can be defined.
Set OP=ADD to indicate that the output request being defined should be added to the output
requests defined in previous steps.
Set OP=REPLACE to indicate that this output requestshould replace an output request of the
same type (e.g., FIELD) and frequency defined in a previous ste p. If there is no matching request,
this output request will be interpreted as OP=ADD.
Set this parameter equal to the time intervalat which the output states are to be written.
For field output ABAQUS/Explicit will always write the output at the beginning of the step.
If both this parameter and the NUMBER INTERVAL parameter are omitted, field output will be
written at 20 equally spaced intervals throughout the step. The NUMBER INTERVAL,TIME
INTERVAL, and TIME POINTS parameters are mutually exclusive for field data.
For history output ABAQUS/Explicit will always write the data values at the beginning and
end of the step. If both this parameter and the FREQUENCY parameter are omitted, history output
will be written at 200 equally spaced intervals throughoutthe step. TheFREQUENCY and TIME
INTERVAL parameters are mutually exclusive for history data.
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module: ID:
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