21.7 *VOLUMETRIC TEST DATA: Provide volumetrictest data.
This option can be used only in conjunction with the *HYPERELASTIC op tion, the *HYPERFOAMoption,
or the *VISCOELASTIC option.
Products: ABAQUS/Standard ABAQUS/Explicit
Type: Model data
Level: Model
Hyperelastic material model
Volumetricloading test data can be provided by this option to include user-defined material compressibility.
Compressibility can alternatively be included by using the POISSON parameter on the *HYPERELASTIC
option or, in the case of the Marlow model, by specifying the nominal lateral strain under the *UNIAXIAL
TEST DATAoption. If none of these options is used to specify volumetric behavior, ABAQUS/Standard
assumes that the material is incompressible, while ABAQUS/Explicit will select a default value for the
compressibility. See the discussion under “Compressibility” in “Hyper elastic behavior of rubberlike
materials,” Section 17.5.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis U ser’s Manual, before using this option in
•“Hyperelasticbehavior of rubberlike materials,” Section 17.5.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User’s Manual
Optional parameter:
Includethis pa rameter to apply a smoothing filter to the stress-strain data. Ifthe parameter is omitted,
no smoothing is performed.
Set this parameter equal to the number nsuch that is equal to the total number of
data points in the moving window through which a cubic polynomial is fit us ing the least-squares
method. nshould be larger than 1. The default is SMOOTH=3.
Optional parameter when the *VOLUMETRIC TEST DATA option is used in conjunction with the
Set this parameter equal to the number of field variable dependencies included in the definition of
the test data. If this param eter is omitted, it is assumed that the test data depend only on tem perature.
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module: ID:
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