parameter and overrides the automatic calculation of the damping factor based on a value of the
dissipated energy fraction.
Include this parameter to indicate thatinertia effects must be accounted for.
Set INERTIA=NO (default) to ignore inertia effects.
Set INERTIA=YES to include inertia effects.
Include this parameter to indicate that there is no viscoelastic or viscoplastic mate rial response
during this step. The solution must be based on the long-term elastic moduli if the material
description includes viscoelastic material properties or be basedon the long-term response of the
elastic-plastic network alone if the two-layer viscoplastic m aterial model is used.
Include this parameter when the Mullins effect material model is use d toi ndicate how the Mullins
effect should be applied over thestep.
Set MULLINS=RAMP to indicate that the Mullins effect should be ramped up ove r the time
period of the current step.
Set MULLINS=STEP (default) to indicate that the Mullins effect should be applie d
instantaneously at the beginning of the currentstep.
Include this parameter toindicate that a quasi-steady-state (pass-by-pass) procedure will be used to
obtain the steady-state solution.
If this parameter is omitted, the steady-state solution will be obta ined directly.
Include this parameter to use automatic stabilization if the proble m is expected to be unstable due
to local instabilities. Set this parameter equal to the dissipated energy fraction ofthe automatic
damping algorithm (see “Solving nonlinear problems,” S ection 7.1.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis
User’s Manual). If this parameter is omitted, the stabilization algorithm is not activated. If this
parameter is included without a specified value, the defaultvalue of the dissipated energy fraction
is . If the FACTOR parameter is used, any value of the dissipated energyfraction will be
overridden by the damping factor.
Data line to define a steady-state transport analysis:
First (and only) line:
1. Initialt ime increment. This value will be modified a s required if the automatic time stepping
scheme is used orwill be used as the constant time increment if the DIRECT parameter is used.
2. Time period of the step.
3. Minimum time increment allowed. Only used for automatic time incrementation. If
ABAQUS/Standard finds it needs a smaller time increment tha nth is value, the analysis is
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module: ID:
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