18.56 *SYSTEM: Specify a local coordinate system in whichto define nodes.
Thisoption is used to define nodes by accepting coordinates relative to a specified local rectangularcoordinate
system and generating the nodal coordinates in the globalcoordinate system.
Products: ABAQUS/Standard ABAQUS/Explicit
Type: Model data
Level: Part, Part instance
•“Node definition,” Section 2.1.1 ofthe ABA QUS AnalysisU ser’sManual
There are no parameters associated with this option.
Data lines to define a local coordinate system:
First line:
1. , global X-coordinate of the origin of the local coordinate sy stem (point ain
Figure 18.56–1).
2. , global Y-coordinate of the origin ofthe local coordinate system.
3. , global Z-coordinate of the origin of the local coordinate system.
The following entries are not neededfor a pure translation:
4. , global X-coordinate of a point on the - axis of the local coordinate system (point bin
Figure 18.56–1).
5. , global Y-coordinate of a point on the -axisof the local coordinate system.
6. , global Z-coordinate of a point on the -axisof the local coordinate system.
Second line (optional; if not provided, the Z-axis direction remains unchanged, and the -axis
is projected onto the plane):
1. , global X-coordinate of a point in the plane of the local coordinatesystem, on
the side of the positive -axis (for example, pointcin Figure 18.56–1).
2. , global Y-coordinate of a point in the plane of the local coordinate system, on
the side of the positive -axis.
3. , global Z-coordinate of a point in the plane of the local coordinate system, on
the side of the positive -axis.
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module: ID:
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