9.8 *INCIDENT WAVE: Define incident waveloading for a blast or scattering load on a
The preferred interface for applying incident wave loading is the *INCIDENT WAVE INTERACTION
option used in conjunction with the *INCIDENT WAVE INTERACTION PROPERTY option. The
alternative interface uses the *INCIDENT WAVE option to apply incident wave loading. The alternative
interface will be removed in a subsequent release.
The *INCIDENT WAVEPROPERTY option must be used in conjunction with the *INCIDENT WAVE
option. If the incident wave field includes a reflection off a plane outside the boundaries of the mesh, this
effect can be modeled with the *INCIDENT WAVE REFLECTION option.
Products: ABAQUS/Standard ABAQUS/Explicit
Type: History data
Level: Step
“Acoustic, shock, and coupled acoustic-structural analysis,” Section 6.9.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis
User’s Manual
“Acoustic loads,” Section 27.4.5 of theAB AQUS Analysis User’sManual
Required parameter:
Set this parameter equal to the name of the *INCIDENT WAVE PROPERTY optiondefining the
incident wave field.
Required, mutually exclusive parameters:
Set this parameter equal to the name of the amplitude curvedefining the fluid particle acceleration
time history at the standoff point (“Amplitude curves,” Section 27.1.2of the ABAQUS A nalysis
User’sM anual). This amplit ude curve will be used to compute the fluid traction only: a solid surface
requiring a pressure load cannot be specified on the data line of an *INCIDENT WAVEoption if
the ACCELERATIONAMPLITUDE parameter is used.
This parameter is valid only for planar incident waves using the *INCIDENT WAVE
PROPERTY, TYPE=PLANE option. Reflected loads, using the *INCIDENT WAVE
REFLECTION option, are not permitted in this case.
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module: ID:
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