Data lines to define mass flow rates:
First line:
1. Nodenumber or node set label.
2. Massflow rate per unit area in the x-direction (units of ML−2 T−1 )ortotalmassflowrateinthe
cross-section (units of MT−1) for one-dimensional elements.
3. Mass flow rate per unit area in th e y-direction(not needed for nodes associated with one-
dimensional elements).
4. Mass flow rate per unit area in the z-direction (not needed for nodes associated with one-
dimensional elements).
Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define mass flow rates at differentnodes.
Data lines to define mass flow rates using user subroutineUMASFL:
First line:
1. Nodeset or node number.
Repeat this data line as often as necessary. UMASFL will be called for each node listed.
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