18.51 *SURFACEPROPERTY ASSIGNMENT: Assign surface properties to a surface forthe
general contact algorithm.
This option is used to modify surface properties forsurfaces that are involved in general contact interactions
in ABAQUS/Explicit. It m ust be used in conjunction with the *CONTACT option.
Product: ABAQUS/Explicit
Type: Model or history data
Level: Model, Step
“Surface properties for generalcontact,” Section 29.3.2 of the ABAQUS Analysis User’s Manual
Required parameter:
Use this parameter to specify the property type beingassigned. To modify more than one type of
surfaceproperty, use this option more than once with different valuesfor the PROPERTY parameter.
Set PROPERTY=FEATURE EDGE CRITERIA to control which feature edges should be
activated in the general contact domain.
Set PROPERTY=OFFSETFRACTION to assign the surface offset as a fraction of the surface
Set PROPERTY=THICKNESSto assign the surface thickness.
First line:
1. Surfacename. Anon-blank surface name is required if the ALL EDGES or PICKED EDGES
options are specified. If the surface name is omitted when using the PERIMETER EDGES,
NO FEATUREEDGES, or cutoff feature angle options, a defaultsurface that encompasses the
entire general contact domain is assumed.
2. The“words” PERIMETER EDGES (default), the “words”ALL EDGES, the “words” PICKED
EDGES, the “words” NO FEATUREEDGES, or a scalar value representing the cutoff feature
angle (in degrees).
Repeat this data line as often as necessary. If the feature edge criteria assignments overlap, the last
assignment applies in the overlap region.
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module: ID:
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