Third line:
1. The “word” START.
2. Localx-coordinate of the s tarting point of the line segments.
3. Localy-coordinate of the starting point of the line segments.
Fourthand subsequent data lines define the various line, circular, and parabolic segments (see below
for their format) that form the profile of the rigidsurface.
Data lines to define surfaces created with TYPE=REVOLUTION:
First line:
1. GlobalX-coordinate of point a, the origin of the loc al system (see Figure 17.19–2).
2. GlobalY-coordinate of point a, theorigin of the local system.
3. GlobalZ-coordinate of p oint a, the origin of the local system.
4. GlobalX-coordinate of point bon the symmetry axis (the loc al z-axis).
5. GlobalY-coordinate of point bon the sym metry axis (the local z-axis).
6. GlobalZ-coordinate of poi nt bon the symmetry axis (the local z-axis).
Second line:
1. The “word” START.
2. Localr-coordinate of the starting point of the line segments.
3. Localz-coordinate of the startingpoint of the li ne segments.
Third and subsequentdata lines define the various line, circular, and parabolic segments (see below
for their format) that form the profile of the rigidsurface.
Data lines that define the line segments that formthe rigid surface for TYPE=SEGMENTS,
Data line to define a straight line segment:
1. The “word” LINE.
2. x-coordinate of the endpoint of the line.
3. y-coordinate of the endpoint of the line.
Data line to define a circular arc segment (the arc must be lessthan 180°):
1. The “word” CIRCL.
2. x-coordinate of the endpoint of the circular arc.
3. y-coordinate of the endpoint of the circular arc.
4. x-coordinate of the center (origin) of the circular arc.
5. y-coordinate of the center (origin) of the circular arc.
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