19.10 *TRANSFORM: Specify a local coordinate system at nodes.
This option is used to specify a local coordinatesystem for displacement and rotation degrees of freedom at
a node.
Products: ABAQUS/Standard ABAQUS/Explicit
Type: Model data
Level: Part, Part instance, Assembly
“Transformed coordinatesystems,” Section 2.1.5 of the ABAQUS Analysis User’s Manual
Required parameter:
Set this parameter equalto the name of the node set for which the local transformed system is being
Optional parameter:
Set TYPE=R (default) to indicate a rectangular Cartesian system (Figure 19.10–1). Set TYPE=C
to indicate a cylindrical system (Figure 19.10–2). Set TYPE=S to indicate a spherical system
(Figure 19.10–3).
Data line to define a transformed coordinate system:
First (and only) line:
1. GlobalX-coordinate of p oint aspecifyingtransformation.
2. GlobalY-coordinate ofpoint aspecifying transformation.
3. GlobalZ-coordinate of point aspecifying transformation.
4. GlobalX-coordinate of p oint bspecifyingtransformation.
5. GlobalY-coordinate ofpoint bspecifying transformation.
6. GlobalZ-coordinate of point bspecifying transformation.
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