Set SYSTEM=RECTANGULAR (default) to define a rectangular Cartesiansystem by the three
points a,b,andcshowni n Figure 15.1–1. Point cis the origin of the system, pointamust lie on the
-axis, and point bmust lie on the -plane. Although not necessary,it is intuitive to select
point bsuch that it is on or near the local -axis.
Set SYSTEM=CYLINDRICAL to define a cylindrical system by giving the two points
aand bon the polar axis of the cylindrical system (Figure 15.1–1). The local axes are 1=radial,
2=circumferential, 3=axial.
Set SYSTEM=SPHERICAL to define a spherical system by giving the center of the sphere,
a, and point bon the polar axis (Figure 15.1–1). The local axes are 1=radial, 2=circumferential,
Set SYSTEM=Z RECTANGULARin an ABAQUS/Standard analysis to define a rectangular
Cartesian system by the three points a,b,andcshown in Figure 15.1–1. Point cis the origin of
the system, point amust lie onthe -axis, and point bmust lie on the -plane. Al though not
necessary,it is intuitive to select point bsuch that it is on or near the local -axis.
Set SYSTEM=USER in an ABAQUS/Standard analysis to define thelocal coordinate system
in user subroutine ORIENT. The DEFINITION parameter, and any data lines associated with the
option are ignored if SYSTEM=USER.
Data lines to define an orientation using DEFINITION=COO RDINATES:
First line:
1. X-coordinate of point a.
2. Y-coordinate of point a.
3. Z-coordinate of point a.
4. X-coordinate of point b.
5. Y-coordinate of point b.
6. Z-coordinate of point b.
The following items, the coordinates of point c(the origin), are optional and relevant only for
SYSTEM=RECTANGULAR and SYSTEM=Z RECTANGULAR. The default location of the
origin, c, is the global origin.
7. X-coordinate of point c.
8. Y-coordinate of point c.
9. Z-coordinate of point c.
Second line (mandatory for shells, membranes,gaskets, composite solid sections, and contact pairs):
1. Local direction about which the additional rotation or rotations are given. The default is the
local 1-direction. For shell, membrane, and cohesive elements this direction should have a
nonzero component in the directionof the normal to the surface.
2. Additional rotation (in degrees) applied to both directionsorthogonal to the specified local
direction. The default is zero degrees.
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