17.2 *RADIATIONFILE: Define results file requests for cavity radiation heat transfer.
This option is used to write cavity radiation variables to the ABAQUS/Standard res ults file.
Product: ABAQUS/Standard
Type: History data
Level: Step
“Cavity radiation,” Section 32.1.1of the ABAQUS Analysis User ’sManual
“Output,” Section 4.1.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User ’sManual
Optional, mutually exclusiveparameters (if not specified, output will be provided for all cavities
in the model):
Set this parameter equal to the name of the cavity for which this output request is being made.
Set this parameter equal to the name of the element set f or which this output request is being made.
Set this parameter equal to the name of the surface for which this output request is being m ade.
Optional parameter:
Set this parameter equal to the output frequency,in increments. Theoutput will always be written
to the results file at the last increment of each step unless FREQUENCY=0. The default is
FREQUENCY=1. Set FREQUENCY=0 to suppress the output.
Data lines to request results file output:
First line:
1. Givethe identifying keys for the variables to be written to the results file for this request. The
keys are defined in the “Surface variables” section of “ABAQUS/Standard output variable
identifiers,” Section 4.2.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User ’sManual.
Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define the surfacevariables to be written to the results file
for the specified cavity,surface, or element set. If this line is omitted, the default variables will be used.
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module: ID:
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