19.13 *TRIAXIAL TEST DATA: Provide triaxial test data.
This option is required if some or all of the material parameters that define the exponent form of the
*DRUCKER PRAGER option are to be calibrated from triaxial test data.
Product: ABAQUS/Standard
Type: Model data
Level: Model
•“Extended Drucker-Prager models,” Section 18.3.1of the ABAQUS Analysis User ’sManual
Optional parameters:
Set this parameter equal tothe value of the material constant aif it is known and is held fixed at the
input value. Omit the param eter and its value if ais to be obtained from the calibration.
Set this parameter equal to the valueof the m aterialconstant bif it is known a nd is held fixed at the
input value. Omit the param eter and its value if bis to be obtained from the calibration.
Set this parameter equal to the value of the material constant if it is know n and is held fixed at
the input value. Omit the parame ter and its value if is to b e obtained from the calibration.
Data lines to specify triaxial test data:
First line:
1. Sign and magnitude of confining stress, .
2. Signa nd magnitude of the stress in loading direction, .
Repeat this data line as often as necessary to give the yield stress atdifferent levels of confining stress.
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module: ID:
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