19.5 *TIE: Define surface-based tie and cyclicsymmetry constraints or coupled acoustic-
structural interactions.
This option is used to impose tie constraints, cyclic symm etry constraints, or coupled acoustic-structural
interactions between pairs of surfaces.
Products: ABAQUS/Standard ABAQUS/Explicit
Type: Model data
Level: Part, Part instance, Assembly
“Mesh tie constraints,” Section 28.3.1of the ABAQUS Analysis User’s Manual
“Defining element-based surfaces,” Section 2.3.2 of theA BAQUS Analysis User’sManual
“Defining node-based surfaces,” Section2.3.3 of the ABAQUS Analysis User’s Manual
“Analysis of models that exhibit cyclic symmetry,” Section 10.3.3 of the ABAQUS Analysis User’s
“Acoustic, shock, and coupled acoustic-structural analysis,” Section 6.9.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis
User’s Manual
Required parameter:
Set this parameter equal to a label that will be used to refer to the constraint.
Optional, mutually exclusiveparameters:
Set this parameter equal to a cutoff distance that is used to determine which nodes on the slave
surface are tied to the master surface. The calculation of the distance between the slave and master
surface for a particular slave node depends on factors such as shell ele ment thickness, the setting of
theTY PEparam eter,and the types of surfaces involved. Slavenodes that donot satisfy the position
tolerance are not tied to the master surface. The default value for this tolerance distance is 5% of
the typical element size in the master surface. If a node-based master surface is used, the default
tolerance distance is based onthe average distance between nodes in the master surface.
Set this parameter equal to the node set label of the node setthat includes the nodes on the slave
surface that will be tied to the master surface. Nodes not included in this node set will not be tied.
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module: ID:
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