NO. For elements other thancohesive elements, connector elements, and elements with plane stress
formulations the default value is 1.0 if the element is deleted from the mesh and 0.99 otherwise.
For cohesiveelem ents, connectorelem ents, andelem ents withplane stress formulations the default
value is always 1.0.
Set SECOND ORDER ACCURACY=YES to use a second-order accurate formulation for
solid or shell elements suitable for problems undergoing a large number o f revolutions (> 5) in
ABAQUS/Explicit. This is the only opt ion available for ABAQUS/Standard.
SetSECOND ORDER A CCURACY=NO (default inA BAQUS/Explicit)to use the first-order
accurate solid or shell elements in ABAQUS/Explicit.
The SECOND ORDER ACCURACY parameter is not relevant for linear kinematics.
This parameter applies to cohesive elements, connector elements, and elements with plane stress
formulations (plane stress, shell, continuumshell, and mem brane elements) in ABAQUS/Standard
Set this parameter equal to the value of the viscosity coefficient used in the viscous
regularization scheme for cohesive elements or connector elements or equal to the value of the
damping coefficient used in connector failure modeling. When this parameter is use d tos pecify
the viscosity coefficientsfor the damage model for fiber reinforced materials, the specified value is
applied to all the damage modes. The default value is 0.0.
This parameter applies only to ABAQUS/Explicit analyses.
Set this parameter equal to () to scale the contributions from the consta nt
hourglass stiffness term and the hourglass damping term to the hourglass control formulation.
Setting or corresponds to pure constant stiffness hourglass control and pure
damping hourglass control, respectively. The default is . This option is used only for solid
and membrane elements when the HOURGLASS parameter is set equal to COMBINED.
Data line to define the hourglass controland bulk viscosity:
First (and only) line:
1. Scalingfactor, , for the hourglass stiffness, for use with displacement degrees of freedom.
If this value is left blank,ABA QUS willuse the default value of 1.0. Thesuggested range for
the value of is between 0.2 and 3.0.
2. Scalingfactor, ,for the hourglass stiffness, for use with rotational degrees of freedom in shell
elements. If this value is left blank, ABAQUS will use the default value of 1.0. The suggested
range for the value of is between 0.2 and 3.0.
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module: ID:
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