17.12 *REFLECTION: Define reflection symmetries for a cavity radiation heat transfer
This option is used to define a cavity symmetry by reflection through a line or a plane. It can be used only
following the *RADIATION SYMMETRYoption.
Product: ABAQUS/Standard
Type: History data
Level: Step
•“Cavity radiation,” Section 32.1.1of the ABAQUS Analysis User ’sManual
Required parameter:
Set TYPE=LINE to create a cavity composed of the cavity surface defined in the model and its
reflection through a line. See Figure 17.12–1. T his option can be used only for two-dimensional
Set TYPE=PLANE to create a cavity composed of the cavity surface defined in the model
and its reflection through a plane. See Figure 17.12–2. This option can b e used only for three-
dimensional cases.
Set TYPE=ZCONST to create a cavity composed by the cavity surface defined inthe m odel
and its reflection through a line of constant z-coordinate. See Figure 17.12–3. This option ca n be
used only for axisymmetric cases.
Data line to define reflection of a two-dimensional cavity (TYPE=LINE):
First (and only) line:
1. X-coordinate of point a(see Figure 17.12–1).
2. Y-coordinate of point a.
3. X-coordinate of point b.
4. Y-coordinate of point b.
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