16.27 *PRE-TENSION SECTION: Associate a pre-tension node with a pre-tension section.
This option is used to associate a pre-tension node with a pre-tension section.
Product: ABAQUS/Standard
Type: Model data
Level: Part, Part instance, Assembly
•“Prescribed assembly loads,” Section 27.5.1 ofthe ABAQUS A nalysisUser ’sManual
Required parameter:
Set this parameter equal to eitherthe pre-tension node number or the name of a node set containing
the pre-tension node. If the name of a node set is chosen, the node set must contain exactly one
Required, mutually exclusive parameters:
Set this parameter equal to either the element number of the truss or beam element used to define
the pre-tension section or the name of an element set containingthe truss or beam element used to
define the pre-tension section. If the nam e of an element set is chosen, the element set must contain
exactly one element.
Set this parameter equal to the name of the surface definition (*SURFACE)that defines the pre-
tension section (when continuum elements are used).
Data line to define the normal to the section (optional):
First (and only) data line:
1. First component of the normal.
2. Second component of the normal.
3. Thirdcomponent of the normal.
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module: ID:
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