ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit. Any data given on the data line will be ignored for
this case.
Set HOURGLASS=RELAX STIFFNESS (defaultfor ABAQUS/Explicit, except for elements
with hyperelastic and hyperfoam materials) to use the integral visc oelastic form of hourglass control
for all elements with reduced integration in ABAQUS/Explicit.
Set HOURGLASS=STIFFNESS (default for ABAQUS/Standard, except for elements
with hyperelastic and hyperfoam materials and modi fied tetrahedral or triangular elements)
to define hourglass control that is strictly elastic for all elements with reduced integration in
ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit and modified tetrahedral or triangular elements in
Set HOURGLASS=VISCOUS to define the hourglass damping used to con trol the hourglass
modes for solid and membrane elements with re duced integration in ABAQUS/Explicit.
This parameter applies only to ABAQUS/Standard analys es using pore pressure cohesive elements.
Set this parameter equal to the value of the initial gap opening used in the tangential flow
continuity equation for pore pressure cohesive elements. The default value is 0.002.
Include this parameter to change the kinematic formulatio n for 8-node brick elements only.
Set KINEMATIC SPLIT=AVERAGE STRAIN (default in ABAQUS/Explicit) to use the
uniform strain formulation and the hourglass shape vectors in the hourglass control. This is th e
only option available for ABAQUS/Standard.
SetKINEMATIC SPLIT=CENTROID to use the centroid strain formulation and the hourglass
base vectors in the hourglass controlin ABAQ US/Explicit.
Set KINEMATIC SPLIT=ORTHOGONAL to use the centroid strain formulation and the
hourglass shape vectors in the hourglass control in ABAQUS/Explicit.
If SECOND ORDER ACCURACY=YES, the KINEMATICSPLIT parameter will be reset to
This parameter applies only to ABAQUS/Explicit analys es and is valid only when the
DISTORTION CONTROL parameter is used.
Set this parameter equal to ( ) to define the length ratio when using distortion
control for crushable materials. The default value is .
In ABAQUS/Explicit this parameter applies to all elements wi th progressive damage behavior
except connector elements. In ABAQUS/Standard this parameter applies to cohesive elements,
connector elements, and elements with plane stress formulations (plane stress, shell, continuum
shell, and membrane elements).
Set thisparam eter equalto the value of the damage variable at or above which a material point
will be assumed to be completely damaged. This parameter also determines the amount of residual
stiffnessthat will be retained by elements for which the ELEMENT DELETION parameter is set to
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module: ID:
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