12 Contents
Media Card 32-port trunk card faceplate maintenance display codes 423
ITG-Pentium24-por t trunk card faceplate maintenance display codes 425
System performance under heavy load 428
Message: PRI241 428
Message: MSDL0304 429
Message: BUG4005 429
Message: BUG085 430
Appendix A Patches and advisements 431
Contents 431
Introduction 431
IP Trunk3.00.53 patches 431
MPLR17662 431
MPLR17346 431
IP Trunk3.01.22 patches 432
MPLR18142 432
MPLR18157 432
Interoperability with IP Trunk3.01 (MPLR17662 patch) 432
Appendix B Cable description and NT8D81BA cablereplacement 435
Contents 435
Introduction 435
NTMF94EA ELAN, TLAN and Serial Port cable 436
NTCW84KA ELAN, TLAN, DCH and serial cable 437
NTAG81CAFaceplate Maintenance cable 439
NTAG81BAMaintenance Extender cable 440
NTCW84EA DCH PC Card pigtail cable 441
NTMF04BA MSDL extension cable 443
NTCW84LA and NTCW84MA upgrade cables 444
Preventground loops on connection toexternal customer LAN equipment 446
Replace cable NT8D81BA with NT8D81AA 447
Toolslist 449
Remove the NT8D81BA cable 449
Install NTCW84JA filter and NT8D81AA cable 449
Appendix C Environmental and electrical regulatory data 451
Contents 451
Environmental specifications 451
Mechanical conditions 452
Electrical regulatory standards 452
Safety 452
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) 453
Nortel Communication Server 1000
IP TrunkFundamentals
NN43001-563 02.01 Standard
Release 5.5 21December 2007
Copyright© 2007, Nor tel Networks