140 ITG engineering guidelines
In the context of a Meridian 1/CS 1000M system with IP Trunk 3.01
(and later), Figure 27 "Relationship between users and services" (page
140) shows the relationship between users and services.
Figure 27
Relationship between users and services
From the diagram, it can be seen that there are two interfaces to consider:
The Meridian 1/CS 1000M system, including the IP Trunk 3.01 (and
later) nodes, interfaces with the end users; voice services offered by the
system must meet user-oriented QoS objectives.
The IP Trunk3.01 (and later) nodes interface with the intranet; the
service provided by the intranet is "best-effort delivery of IP packets", not
"guarantee QoS for real-time voicetranspor t." IP Trunk3.01 (and later)
translates the QoS objectives setby the end-users into IP-oriented QoS
objectives. The guidelines call these objectives intranet QoS objectives.
The IP Trunk3.01 (and later) node can be enabled to monitor the intranet’s
QoS. In this mode, two parameters,the receive fallback threshold and the
transmit fallbackthreshold, on the IP Trunk3.01 (and later) node dictate the
minimum QoS level of the IP Trunk3.01 (and later) network. The fallback
thresholds are configured on a per-site pair basis.
Nortel Communication Server 1000
IP TrunkFundamentals
NN43001-563 02.01 Standard
Release 5.5 21 December 2007
Copyright© 2007, Nor tel Networks