68 System description
default in TM 3.1 remained unchanged at 32 ms, even though the ECAN
performance was significantly better with 128 ms. This problem has been
resolved in TM 3.1, butITG Trunk and IP Trunk nodes defined by customers
with the original TM 3.1 software still use the incorrect default value.
Recent releases of TM 3.1 that are properly configured, with all applicable
patches and the fix integrated, have the defaultfor new systems set to 128
ms. This results in all new nodes being given the correct default value.
However,it will not change the value on systems that are already configured
unless the user deliberately changes the value.
IP Trunk3.01 includes an enhancement to accommodate this issue. Since
a 32-ms ECAN tail delay is usually only provisioned "by default" and not
by deliberate user programming, the IP Trunk3.01 application maps an
ECAN tail delay of 32 seconds to the corrected defaultof 128 ms. This
addresses the vast majority of users who want the optimum availableECAN
performance. However, a small number of users, for various reasons, may
want the 32-ms tail delay.
Users that can accept poorer echo performance and really want a 32 ms
delay can use a value of 8 ms, which the IP Trunkapplication maps to 32
ms. A delay of 8 ms is completely unacceptable to end users, so this does
not result in any loss of user capabilities. In addition, a value of 16 ms,
which is also unsatisfactory,is mapped to a delay of 64 ms, maintaining the
same two-to-one ratio with the next lowervalue in both the TM 3.1 and IP
Trunkenvironment. (In this case, the 8 ms value is half the 16 ms, and the
32 ms value is half the 64 ms value.)
Table8 "Echo canceller tail delay mapping from TM 3.1 to IP Trunk3.01"
(page 68) shows the mapping between the delayvalue configured in TM
3.1 and the actual delay value used in IP Trunk3.01. The actual configured
delay value can be displayedusing the CLI command itgCardShow.If
the TM 3.1 value is mapped, "Default - xxx" is displayed,where "xxx" is
the mapped value. If the TM 3.1 value is 64, 96, or 128 ms, "Value from
TM 3.1 - xxx" is displayed.
Table 8
Echo canceller tail delay mapping from TM 3.1 to IP Trunk3.01
Provisioned in TM 3.1 (in ms) Value used by IP Trunk 3.01
16 64
32 (default value in IP Trunk 3.01 and
earlier) 128 (default value in IP Trunk 3.01)
64 64
Nortel Communication Server 1000
IP TrunkFundamentals
NN43001-563 02.01 Standard
Release 5.5 21 December 2007
Copyright© 2007, Nor tel Networks