Configure IP Trunk3.01 (and later) data 219
Prompt Response Description
GRP xNetwork Group number, where:
DNUM xDevice Number for I/O ports, where:
PORT xPort number for MSDL card, where:
DES IP TRUNK 16 character designator is "IP TRUNK" Specific description
if more than one IP Trunk 3.01 (and later) route exists.
USR User.
ISLD DedicatedMode ISDN Signaling Link.
IFC Interface type for D-channel:
SL1 Meridian Customer Defined Network (MCDN)
ESGF ESIG interface with GF platform (QSIG)
ISGF ISIG interface with GF platform (QSIG)
The ESGF and ISGF responses are allowed if the QSIG
and QSIG GF packages are both equipped.
The IFC entry must match the protocol entered in TM 3.1
(and later) Node Properties, Card Configuration, Protocol
pull-down menu.
ISLM xxx Integrated Service Signaling Link Maximum CHIDs, where:
x = 1 – 382
ISLM is the maximum number of ISL trunks controlled by
the D-channel. There is no default value.
BPS (64000) 64000 is the default and is required for the IP Trunk 3.01
(and later) DCHIP.
PARM (RS422DTE) The RS-422 parameters are established with switch
settings on the MSDL card. This prompt is used to verify
those settings prior to enabling the card.
RCAP Remote Capabilities
ND2 Network Name Display type 2 signaling. All nodes must
use same RCAP.
Nortel Communication Server 1000
IP TrunkFundamentals
NN43001-563 02.01 Standard
Release 5.5 21 December 2007
Copyright© 2007, Nor tel Networks