408 Maintenance
Additionally,the IP trunk card has a four-character LED dot matrix display
on the faceplate for the purpose of providing status information during
maintenance operations. At power-up and during diagnostic tests, this
display provides a visual indication of the status of the self-test and an
indication of the first failure detected. For more information about the
available Maintenance codes on the Media Card 32-port trunk card, see
"Media Card 32-port trunk card faceplate maintenance display codes" (page
423). For more information about the available Maintenance codes on
the ITG-Pentium 24-port trunk card, see "ITG-Pentium24-por t trunk card
faceplate maintenance display codes" (page 425).
The 8051XA controller takes control of one of the RS-232 ports and uses
it to display the results of the power-up self-test and diagnostics on a
maintenance terminal.
The initial tests performed include the following:
8051XA controller self-test, including ROM checksum, onboard RAM,
and timer tests
external data/program RAM and dual-port memory tests
Following the successful completion of these tests, the 8051XA controller
attempts to bring up the processor by clearing the reset state and entering a
timing loop in the anticipation of receiving a message from the processor.
If this loop times out, it outputs an error to the RS-232 port. It attempts to
bring up the processor two more times before indicating an unrecoverable
card failure.
Similarly,if a message is received from the processor, indicating a failure of
one or more of the circuit elements, up to two more resets are attempted.
The IP trunk card then enters the unrecoverable failure state. This
ensures that failures due to erratic power-up, or reset conditions,do not
cause an unnecessary failure of the card. When the processor responds
correctly,the 8051XA controller switches its serial por t to provide Card LAN
communication and connects the processor to the external RS-232 port.
Card LAN
The IP trunk card supports the backplane Card LAN interface for
communicating self-test errors and allowing maintenance access, including
resetting the card remotely.
BIOS self-test
The IP trunk card contains its own VxWorks-based BIOS. At power-up, the
BIOS performs its own initial test of the hardware. These tests cover the
processor,PCI chipset, cache (if installed), and DRAM memory. The results
of the BIOS self-test are displayed onthe RS-232 maintenance por t.
Nortel Communication Server 1000
IP TrunkFundamentals
NN43001-563 02.01 Standard
Release 5.5 21 December 2007
Copyright© 2007, Nor tel Networks