Contents 13
Appendix D Subnet mask conversion from CIDR to dotted
decimal format 457
Appendix E CLI commands 459
Appendix F Configure a Netgear RM356 modem router for
remote access 461
Contents 461
Introduction 461
Security features of the RM356 modem router 462
Install the RM356 modem router 462
Configure the TM 3.1 PC to communicate with a remote system site through a
modem router 463
Configure the RM356 modem router through the manager menu 463
RM356 modem router manager menu (application notes on the ELAN subnet
installation) 467
Appendix G Upgrade an ITG Trunk 1.0 node to support ISDN
signaling trunks 473
Contents 473
Upgrade procedure summary 474
Before you begin 474
Install the DCHIP hardware upgrade kit 476
Install the DCHIP I/O Panelbreakout cable from the upgrade kit 477
Upgrade the ITG 8-port trunk card ITG basic trunk software to ITG/ISL trunk
software 478
Step 1 - Remove ITG Trunk1.0 configuration files 478
Step 2 - TransmitITG Trunk 2.0 software to the ITG 8-port trunk cards 480
Remove ITG Trunk1.0 configuration data from Meridian 1 482
Configure the Meridian 1 ITG/ISL trunk data 483
Upgrade considerations 483
VerifyROM-BIOS version 485
Upgrade Troubleshooting 485
TM 3.1 cannot refresh view (card not responding) 485
How to upgrade software using the ITG shell 485
Nortel Communication Server 1000
IP TrunkFundamentals
NN43001-563 02.01 Standard
Release 5.5 21December 2007
Copyright© 2007, Nor tel Networks