ITG shell command set 403
Command Description
routeDelete "IP address", "IP
Gateway" Delete a route from the routing table.
Example: ITG> routeDelete "", ""
mRouteDelete "IP address",
"Subnet mask", <ToS value>,
Delete a route matching the ToS value and flags. Currently,
"flags" should be set to "0".
Example: ITG> mRouteDelete "", "",
4, 0
routeShow Display the current host and network routing entries.
Example: ITG> routeShow
Tabl e 62
File transfer commands
Command Description
swDownload hostname,
username, password, directory
path, filename
Update the software on the IP trunk card with the binary file
received from an FTP server corresponding to the hostname IP
address. The IP trunk card FTP client performs a get which
downloads the file to the flash bank. A checksum is calculated
to check correct delivery. Once the new software version is
successfully downloaded, the IP trunk card must be rebooted
with cardReset in order to run the new software.
Hostname refers to either the IP address of the FTPhost, or the
IP trunk card itself or another IP trunk card when a PC Card in
the A: drive of the IP trunkcard contains the software binary file.
Example: ITG> swDownload "", "anonymous", "guest",
"/software", "vxWorks.mms"
DPTableGet hostname,
username, password, directory
path, filename
Update the address table on the IP trunk card with the address
table file on the indicated host, account, and path. The host
starts an FTP session with the given parameters and downloads
the file to the flash file system.
Example: ITG>DPTableGet "ngals042", "anonymous", "guest","/dialPlan",
configFileGet hostname,
username, password, directory
path, filename
Update the config.ini file on the IP trunk cardwith the config.ini
file on the indicated host, account, and path. The configFileGet
taskon the host starts an FTP session with the given parameters
and downloads the file to the flash file system.
Example: ITG> ConfigFileGet "ngals042", "anonymous", "guest",
"/configDir", "config.ini"
Nortel Communication Server 1000
IP TrunkFundamentals
NN43001-563 02.01 Standard
Release 5.5 21December 2007
Copyright© 2007, Nor tel Networks