218 Install and configure IP Trunk3.01 (and later) node
Figure 49
Wiring specifications
Configure IP Trunk 3.01 (and later) data
First, configure D-channels, Route Data Blocks, and trunks through the
system TTY.Then configure the ESN data blocks to implement the network
dialing plan and translations. Record the D-Channel, CHIDs, and TNs
for the IP Trunk3.01 (and later) trunks on the IP Trunk3.01 (and later)
Installation Summary Sheet.
Toconfigure IP Peer Networking Virtual Trunks, refer to IP Peer Networking
Installation and Commissioning (NN43001-313). Record the first CHID for
the Virtual Trunkson the Vir tual TrunkInstallation Summary Sheet.

Configure the ISL D-channel on the system for the DCHIP card forIP

Trunk 3.01 (and later)

For the IP Trunk3.01 (and later) application, use LD 17 to configure the ISL
D-channel for the DCHIP card in Large Systems.
LD 17 Configure the ISL D-channel for the DCHIPcard (Large Systems)
Prompt Response Description
REQ CHG Add new data.
TYPE ADAN Typeof data block.
ADAN NEWDCH x Action Device and Number, where:
x = 0-255
CTYP MSDL Multi- purpose Serial Data Link card type.
Set MSDL switch settings for the ISL DCH port to RS-422.
Nortel Communication Server 1000
IP TrunkFundamentals
NN43001-563 02.01 Standard
Release 5.5 21 December 2007
Copyright© 2007, Nor tel Networks