Define the dialing plan information 325
An existing destination node can also have its properties changed
from the drop-down list. See Figure 118 "Change proper ties on
an existing destination node" (page 325). In that example, the
properties are being changed for the Johnny Carson node.
Figure 118
Change properties on an existing destination node
3Before entering data (for example, number plan, type of number,
digits) for a specific address, the destination node must be selected.
The destination node can be selected in one of the following ways:
If the destination is in the local TM 3.1 provisioning, select the
node from the Node drop-down list (on the far left of the screen).
If the destination is not in the local TM 3.1 provisioning, enter
the information manually.
Destination node selection in local TM 3.1 provisioning
4If the destination node is in the local TM 3.1 provisioning, select the
node from the Node drop-down list (on the far leftof the screen).
In this example, as seen in Figure 116 "ITG Dialing Plan, Remote
Node Properties window, General tab" (page 324), the destination
node is selected from the Node drop-down list from the local TM
3.1 provisioning. When a node is selected, the data specific to the
selected remote node is displayed on the General tab. See Figure
119 "Selected Remote Node" (page 326).
Nortel Communication Server 1000
IP TrunkFundamentals
NN43001-563 02.01 Standard
Release 5.5 21December 2007
Copyright© 2007, Nor tel Networks