ITG shell command set 401
Tabl e 61
General purpose commands
Command Description
cardReset Perform a warm reboot of the IP trunk card. The card has to be
in the OOS state to use this command.
itgCardShow Show card information.
ldrResTableShow Show Backup Leader and Followers for a given Leader.
itgChanStateShow Show state of channels (for example, busy or idle).
h323SessionShow Show H.323 session information for each channel.
itgMemShow Show memory usage.
ifShow Show detailed network interface information, including MAC and
IP addresses.
IPInfoShow This command will return the following IP information:
•IP addresses (for both ELAN and TLAN network interfaces)
•default router (for both ELAN and TLAN network interfaces)
•subnet masks (for both ELAN and TLAN network interfaces)
•SNMP manager
cardStateShow IP trunk card state (that is Unequipped, Disabled, Enabled).
serialNumShow Print out IP trunk card serial number and PEC.
This command displays the same IP trunk card serial number
that is displayed from the system IDC command, and the
Product Engineering Code (PEC).
firmwareVersionShow Print out firmware version number.
numChannelsShow Print out number of available channels.
numNodesInFallbackShow List the IP addresses of the IP Trunk 3.01 (and later)nodes that
are in fallback to the conventional voice circuit-switched network.
swVersionShow Print out software version.
resetOm Reset the Operational Measurement file timer.
logFileOn Turn on logging.
logFileOff Turn off logging.
logFileShow Show if logging is on or off.
logStatus Show if logging is on or off.
useM1ForRingBack This command is used to turn off the local ring back generated
on the IP Trunk card. By default, the IP trunk card will generate
local ring back for out of band ring back. This command will only
be in effect until the card reset.
Nortel Communication Server 1000
IP TrunkFundamentals
NN43001-563 02.01 Standard
Release 5.5 21December 2007
Copyright© 2007, Nor tel Networks