138 ITG engineering guidelines
Time-of-Day voice routingOther important objectives associated with IP Trunk 3.01 (and later) network
translations and route list blocks are as follows:
1. Make IP Trunk3.01 (and later) the first-choice, least-cost entr y in the
Route List Block.
2. Use Time-of-Day (ToD)scheduling to block voice traffic to the IP Trunk
3.01 (and later) route during peak traffic periods on the IP data network
when degraded QoS causes all destination IP Trunk3.01 (and later)
nodes to be in fallback mode.
The proper time to implement either setting is described as follows:
1. Make the IP Trunk3.01 (and later) the first-choice, least-cost entry in
the route list block.
An IP Trunk3.01 (and later) route should be configured with a higher
priority (lower entry number) than the fallback route in the LD 86 Route
List Blocks (RLB) of the ESN configuration. All calls to the target
destination with VoIP capability will try the IP route first before falling
back to traditional circuit-switched network.
2. Turnoff the IP Trunk 3.01 (and later) route during peak traffic periods on
the IP data network.
Based on site data, if fallbackrouting occurs frequently and consistently
for a data network during specific busy hours; for example, every
Monday 10-11 a.m., and Tuesday2-3 p.m. These hours should be
excludedfrom theRLB to maintaina high QoSfor voice services. By not
offering voice traffic toa data network during known peak traffic hours,
the incidence of conversation with marginal QoS can be minimized. This
technique reduces some of the cost savings associated with using IP
Trunk3.01 (and later) and should only be utilized if other methods of
improving the IP network QoS are not possible.
The time schedule is a 24-hour clock which is divided up the same way
for all 7 days. Basic steps to program ToDfor IP Trunk 3.01 (and later)
routes are as follows:
a. Go to LD 86 ESN data block to configurethe Time-of-Day Schedule
(TODS) for the required ITG control periods.
b. Go to LD 86 RLB and apply the TODSon/off toggle for that route list
entry associated with an IP Trunk 3.01 (and later) route.
3. Use the traditional PSTN for modem traffic.
IP Trunk3.01 (and later) does not support modem traffic except Group
3 fax. Routing controls must be configured to route modem traffic over
circuit-switched trunks instead of over IPTrunk 3.01 (and later).
Nortel Communication Server 1000
IP TrunkFundamentals
NN43001-563 02.01 Standard
Release 5.5 21 December 2007
Copyright© 2007, Nor tel Networks