402 Maintenance
Command Description
displayClear Clear the maintenance display on the faceplate of the IP trunk
shellPasswordSet Change the default ITG shell password.
emodelSim Allow user to interactively determine QoS score.
itgHelp Show the complete command list. "?" also shows the list.
itgCallTrace Shows call trace log.
tLanSpeedSet Set the speed of the TLAN network interface.
tLANDuplexSet Set the duplex mode of the TLAN network interface.
logout Exit the shell.
PING Test remote host is reachable:
This command sends an ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to a
network host. The host matching the destination address in the
packets responds to the request. If a response is not returned,
the sender times out. This command is useful to determine if
other hosts or IP trunk cards are properly communicating with
the sender card. The <numPackets> parameter specifies how
many packets to send; if it is not included, ping runs until it is
stopped by Ctrl-C (which also exits the ITG shell).
Example: ITG> PING "", 10
trap_gen SNMP test alarm (one of each type) generation.
clearLED Clear the LED display.
esn5PrefixSet Set the esn5Prefix, default is "100":esn5Prefix<"char string">
esn5PrefixShow Display the esn5Prefix character string.
routeAdd "host/ network IP
address", "IP Gateway" This command adds a route to the network routing table. The
route is added to the host portion of the routing table.
Example: ITG> routeAdd "", ""
mRouteAdd "host/ network IP
address", "IP Gateway", "Subnet
mask", "ToS value", "flags"
This command adds multiple routes to the same destination in
the routing table. The route is added to the network portion of
the routing table. Multiple route entries for a single destination
are possible if entered with this command, as the ToS and
subnet mask values are used to distinguish between them.
Currently, "flags" should be set to "0".
Example: ITG>mRouteAdd "", "",
"", 4, 0
Nortel Communication Server 1000
IP TrunkFundamentals
NN43001-563 02.01 Standard
Release 5.5 21 December 2007
Copyright© 2007, Nor tel Networks