IP trunk card description 43
Card combinationsThe Leader and DCHIP,or Follower and DCHIP,functions can reside on a
single IP trunk card or multiple IP trunk cards. If a Follower card is equipped
with a DCH PC card, it can function as a DCHIP trunk card. As an IP Trunk
3.01 (and later) node becomes larger with more trunk traffic, load balancing
should be configured. When load balancing is required, the Leader and
DCHIP functionality are placed on separate cards which are assigned
the least call traffic. For the largest IP Trunk 3.01 (and later) nodes and
networks, the Leader and DCHIP cards can be partially configured with
trunk ports or have no trunk ports at all.
An example configuration that allows for redundancy and backup is the
•Card 1: Leader and DCHIP #1
•Card 2: Backup Leader and DCHIP #2
•Card 3: Follower #1 – 24 trunks connected with DCHIP #1
•Card 4: Follower #2 – 24 trunks connected with DCHIP #2
Tosupport more trunks, more DCHs can be added. Each DCHIP card can
support a maximum of 15 NT0961AA ITG-Pentium 24-Port Follower cards
or 11 NTVQ90BA Media Card 32-port Follower cards. This limit is due to
the maximum limit of 382 trunks in an ISL route.
Each DCHIP card controls a separate group of Followercards. If a DCHIP
card fails, its associated Followers are removed from service as well. For
very large nodes, it is recommended that Follower cards be spread across
multiple DCHIPs,in order to provide some resiliency by allowing the IP Trunk
3.01 (and later) node to continue handling calls when one DCHIP card fails.
A DCHIP card and all of the IP trunk cards connected with it belong to one
Leader card. This means that the cards also belong to a single customer.
The group of IP trunk cards connected with one Leader is referred to as an
IP Trunk3.01 (and later) node. If a single Meridian 1/CS 1000M system
has multiple customers requiring IP Trunk 3.01 (and later) connectivity,
a separate IP Trunk3.01 (and later) node is required for each customer.
Multiple DCHIPs can be configured for each node.
All DCHIPs in an IP Trunk3.01 (and later) node must be configured with the
same DCH protocol. If the user wants to use multiple DCH protocols, the
user must configure multiple IP Trunk3.01 (and later) nodes.
Nortel Communication Server 1000
IP TrunkFundamentals
NN43001-563 02.01 Standard
Release 5.5 21December 2007
Copyright© 2007, Nor tel Networks