378 OA and M using the ITG shell CLI and overlays
For security reasons, there is no generic FTP client on the IP trunk card.
A DIR or PWD (Print Working Directory) command cannot be performed
on the FTP host.
The BOOTP.1file (transferred by the "bootPFileGet" and
"bootPFilePut" commands) contains node properties information. The
DPTABLE.1file (transferred by the "DPAddrTGet" and "DPAddrTPut"
commands) contains the TM 3.1 IP Trunk3.01 (and later) dialing plan
information. The CONFIG1.INI file (transferred by the "configFileGet"
command) contains card properties and SNMP information. The BOOTP.1
file is only sent to the Active Leader card, while the DPTABLE.1and
CONFIG1.INI files are sent to every IP trunk card.
Software update and file transfer commands
These commands are case-sensitive. The parameters that follow the
command must each be enclosed in quotation marks. There must be a
comma and no spaces between the parameters.
Refer to "Maintenance" (page 389) for a complete description of the ITG
shell file transfer commands.
Hostname refers to the IP address of the FTP host. The FTP host can be
a server on the network, the IP trunk card, or another IP trunk card in the
same IP Trunk3.01 (and later) node.
Software upgrade
Use this command in the procedure "Transmitnew software to the IP trunk
cards" (page 274).
swDownload "hostname", "username", "password", "directory path",
Generic file transfer:
Use the generic file transfer commands below for debug purposes. The
first five parameters referto the FTP host. The "ITGFileName" parameter
refers to the directory path and file name on the IP trunk card. The "listener"
parameter in the "hostFileGet" command identifies a software module to
be called to parse the file after it has been correctly transferred to the IP
trunk card. To avoid damaging the configurationfiles and the IP trunk card,
only use the "hostFileGet" command under the direction of Nortel support
hostFileGet "hostname","username","password", "directory
hostFilePut "hostname","username","password", "directory
Nortel Communication Server 1000
IP TrunkFundamentals
NN43001-563 02.01 Standard
Release 5.5 21 December 2007
Copyright© 2007, Nor tel Networks