ITG shell command set 405
Command Description
Example: ITG> currLogFilePut "ngals042", "anonymous", "guest",
"/currDir", "logFile"
prevLogFilePut hostname,
username, password, directory
path, filename
The logFilePut task on the host starts an FTP session with the
given parameters and downloads the IP trunkcard’s previous
log file to the indicated location on the host.
Example: ITG> prevLogFilePut "ngals042", "anonymous", "guest",
"/currDir", "logFile"
bootPFilePut hostname,
username, password, directory
path, filename
The bootpFilePut task on the host starts an FTP session with
the given parameters and downloads the IP trunk card’s BOOTP
file to the indicated location on the host.
Example: ITG> bootpFilePut "ngals042", "anonymous", "guest",
"/bootpDir", "bootpFile"
hostFilePut hostname,
username, password, directory
path, filename, ITGFileName
Transfer any file on the IP trunk card from location ITGFileName
and does a put using FTP to the host indicated by hostname,
username, password, and directory path.
ITGFileName is the full path (that is, path/filename of where the
file is taken from on the IP trunk card).
Example: ITG> hostFilePut "ngals042", "anonymous", "guest", "/hostDir",
"hostFile", "/C:/CONFIG/CONFIG1.INI"
Tabl e 63
NVRAM IP configuration commands
Command Description
NVRIPSet IP address Set the IP address in NVRAM.
Example: ITG> NVRRIPSet ""
NVRGWSet IP gateway Setthe default gateway address in NVRAM.
Example: ITG> NVRRGWSet ""
NVRSMSet subnet mask Set the subnet mask in NVRAM.
Example: ITG> NVRRSMSet ""
NVRIPShow Print the values of the IP parameters that exist in NVRAM.
Example: ITG> NVRIPShow
nvramLeaderSet Set the leader bit in NVRAM.
Example: ITG> nvramLeaderSet
nvramLeaderClr Clear the leader bit in NVRAM, but does not erase the IP
parameters in NVRAM.
Example: ITG> nvramLeaderClr
NVRClear Clear IP parameters in NVRAM.
Example: ITG> NVRClear
Nortel Communication Server 1000
IP TrunkFundamentals
NN43001-563 02.01 Standard
Release 5.5 21December 2007
Copyright© 2007, Nor tel Networks