Hardware components for IP Trunk3.01 (and later) 35
Inspect the IPE module to determine if it is equipped with non-removable
Molded Filter Connectors on the I/O Panel. For Large Systems
manufactured during the period of 1998-1999 and shipped in North
America, the IPE modules have the NT8D81BA Backplane to I/O Panel
ribbon cable assembly with a non-removable Molded Filter Connector. If
the TLAN subnet connection is 10BaseT use the NT8D81BA Backplane
to I/O Panel ribbon cable assembly,for a 100BaseT connection use the
NT8D81AA ribbon cable.
Table3 "Hardware components for the Media Card 32-port tr unk" (page
34) lists the hardware components included in the IP Trunk3.01 (and later)
packages for new installations.
Table4 "Extra components for IP Trunk 3.01 (and later) trunk cards" (page
35) lists the extra components used byboth the Media Card 32-por t trunk
card and the ITG-Pentium 24-port trunk cards.
Tabl e 4
Extra components for IP Trunk3.01 (and later) trunk cards
Component Product codes
MSDL DCH cable (included in Large System package):
6 ft NTND26AA
18 ft NTND26AB
35 ft NTND26AC
50 ft NTND26AD
50 ft MSDL DCH Extender cable NTMF04AB
10 ft Inter cabinet cable NTCW84KA to SDI/DCH cable NTWE04AC
1 ft Intra cabinet cable NTCW84KA to SDI/DCH cable NTWE04AD
Shielded four-port SDI/DCH cable for the NTAK02BB SDI/DCH
card (included in Small System package) NTAK19FB
PC Maintenance cable (for faceplateRS-232 maintenance port
to local terminal access) NTAG81CA
Maintenance Extender cable NTAG81BA
Large Systems filter connector
50 pin I/O Panel Filter Connector Block with ITG specific filtering
for 100BaseTX (included in Large Systems package) NTCW84JA
Backplane to I/O Panel ribbon cable assembly compatible with
NTCW84JA I/O Panel Filter Connector Block with ITG-specific
filtering for 100BaseTX TLAN subnet connection (replaces
NT8D81BA Backplane to I/O Panel ribbon cable assembly
equipped with non-removable Molded Filter Connectors)
Nortel Communication Server 1000
IP TrunkFundamentals
NN43001-563 02.01 Standard
Release 5.5 21 December 2007
Copyright© 2007, Nor tel Networks