23Connect a craft set between leads T1 and RI. Select the tie line being tested using station A. The receiving end should provide dial tone.
NOTE: The tie line dial tone option should be administered for remote in order to send dial tone out to the port being tested.
>If you hear dial tone and can break it, return to step
8 and select the next tie line for testing.
>If you hear dial tone and cannoit break it, go to step
>If you do not hear dial tone, go to step 19
24Connect a craft set between leads T and R. Select the tie line being tested using station B. The transmitting
end should provide dial tone.
>If you hear dial tone and can break it, return to step 8 and select the next tie line for testing.
>If you do not hear dial tone, or you hear dial tone and cannot break it go to step 19.
25Readminister port 1 for Type 1 Standard.
26Print out the tie line translation and make sure that all the ports are configured for Type 1 Standard.
>If the tie lines are translated correctly according to Form lb, testing is complete.
>If the tie lines are not translated correctly, repeat steps 4 through 6.