Testing Outgoing and
Repeating Tie Lines
Testing Incoming and
Ringdown Tie Lines
Test dial repeating he lines, wink start, immediate start, and delay start tie lines when you are sure that someone is available to receive your call at the far end. Follow these steps:
1 At any voice terminal that has a tie line appearance, press the first tie line button.
The red light jumps to the tie line button just pressed.
2 Lift the handset.
The green light goes on next to the red light.
3 Dial the tie line number of the station where someone is waiting for your call.
You hear ringing.
5Repeat this procedure for each tie line administered.
Have someone at the far end system, where the tie lines are connected, place a call to you at the MERLIN II system automatic ringdown console. Follow these steps:
1 At a preset time, the person at the far end places a call to your system.
You hear ringing at the console connected to the tie line and the green light flashes next to the button that has the tie line appearance.
2 Lift the handset,
The red light goes on next to the tie line button and the green light becomes steady.
4Repeat this procedure for each tie line administered.
Testing the System