●Power Supply Module. The Power Supply Module converts 117 VAC line voltage to the following outputs: +5 VDC,
●Processor Module. The central processor complex consists of a main board and the Feature Module. The main board contains the 68000 microprocessor, RAM, a
Communication between the Processor Module and
the port processors on the various modules occurs over a parallel address/data bus. This structure allows
●Input/Output Bus. Included in the I/O bus are a 16-
bit address bus and an
●Time Division Multiplex Bus. The Time Division Multiplex bus (TDM) is a major part of the control unit. It connects the DSEs to allow voice and data to flow in and out of the MERLIN II system. The TDM bus is parallel, 8 bits wide, and runs at 2.048 MHz. Each TDM cycle has 256 time slots for voice, data, tones, and clocks.
Voice signals on the TDM bus are encoded in “Mu- Law 255” Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) format for domestic use and
●408 or 008 Module. A 408 Loop Start Line/ATL Station Module or 008 module is required in slot 1 of the basic carrier of the control unit. Note, however, that the 008 module does not provide any outside lines