Menu 5– I/O Menu
Parameter | Code | Factory Setting |
LI2 Assign | LI2 |
LI3 Assign | LI3 |
LI4 Assign | LI4 |
LI5 Assign * | LI5 |
LI6 Assign * | LI6 |
Not assigned | no |
RV: Reverse | RV |
Switch Ramp2 | RP2 |
+SP: +Speed | SP |
| ||
2 preset Sp | PS2 |
4 preset Sp | PS4 |
8 preset Sp | PS8 |
Freewheel Stop | NST |
DC inject | OCI |
Fast stop | FSt |
Multi. Motor | CHP |
TorqueLim2 | TL2 |
Forced Local | FLO |
Fault Reset | rSt |
Auto/manu | RFC |
Atn |
| |
PI Auto/Man | PAU |
PI 2 Preset | Pr2 |
PI 4 Preset | Pr4 |
External flt | EDD |
Torque Limit by AI | tLA |
AI2 Assign | AI2 |
AI3 Assign * | AI3 |
Not assigned | no |
Speed ref 2 | Fr2 |
Summed ref. | SAI |
PI regulator | PIF |
PI Manual Ref.* | PIM |
Tacho feedback * | SFb |
Therm. Sensor * | PtC |
Torque Limit * | AtL |
Encoder feedback * | RGI |
R2 Assign / LO assign | r2 / LO |
Not assigned | no |
Drive running | rUn |
Output contactor | OCC |
Freq reference attain. | FtA |
HSP attained | FLA |
Current level attained | CtA |
Reference Freq. Attain. | SrA |
Motor thermal lvl (Attain) | tSA |
Brake logic | bLC |
| |
F2 attained | F2A |
ATV th. alarm | TAD |
AO1 Assign | AO1 |
AO Assign | AO |
Not assigned | no |
Motor current | OCr |
Motor frequency | OFr |
Output ramp | OrP |
Motor torque | trq |
Signed Torque | Stq |
Signed Ramp | OrS |
PI Reference | OPS |
PI Feedback | OPF |
PI Error | OPE |
PI Integral | OPI |
Motor Power | OPr |
Motor Thermal | tHr |
Drive Thermal | tHd |
Altivar® 58 TRX AC Drives
| Menu Overview | |
Menu 6 – FAULT Menu |
Parameter | Code | Factory Setting |
Auto Restart | Atr | no |
Nb Max Reset | nAr | 5 |
Reset Pause | tAr | 30.0 s |
Reset Type | rSt | RSP |
Partial Reset | rSP |
Total Reset | rSG |
Output Phase Loss | OPL | yes |
Input Phase Loss | IPL | yes |
Thermal Protection | tHt | ACL |
No motor protection | no |
Self Cooled motor | ACL |
Force Cooled motor | FCL |
Loss Follower | LFL | no |
Immediate Fault | yes |
Restart on Signal Return | Stt |
Stop and Fault | LSF |
Run at Preset Speed | LFF |
Run at last speed | RLS |
Catch On Fly | FLr | no |
Controlled Stop | StP | no |
Phase loss drive trip | no |
Maintain DC Bus | MMS |
Follow Ramp | FRP |
Ramp not Followed * | Sdd | no |
External Fault | EPL | yes |
Menu 7 – FILES Menu |
Parameter | Code | Factory Setting |
File 1 State | F1S | FREE |
File 2 State | F2S | FREE |
File 3 State | F3S | FREE |
File 4 State | F4S | FREE |
Operation Type | FOt | no |
No Operation Req. | no |
Save Configuration | StR |
Transfer File to Drive | REC |
Return to Factory Set | Ini |
Password | Cod | 0000 |
Parameter | Code |
English | LNG |
Francais | LNG |
Deutsch | LNG |
Espanol | LNG |
Italiano | LNG |
Parameter | Code |
Hdg: Material Handling | CFG |
GEn: General Use | CFG |
VT: Variable Torque | CFG |
CUS: Customize | CFG |
*Requires addition of I/O option card VW3A58201U (analog) or VW3A58202U (digital)
09/2003 |
| © |
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