address as the name). To do this, go to the OS/2 System icon, open the Command Prompts folder, and double click on the OS/2 Window icon. Use the OS/2 editor and add the an entry similar to the following: xps
Substitute the name of the TROY XCD print server (any unique name will do) and the desired IP address in place of xps and in the above example.
3.While still at the OS/2 prompt, use the following command to enter the IP address into the TROY XCD print server:
Again, substitute your actual name and IP address for xps and, and replace the 00:40:17:00:ed:d6 with the actual Ethernet hardware address of the TROY XCD print server (which can be found on the label affixed to the TROY XCD print server box or via the printer
Important: You must be on the same Ethernet segment (that is, there cannot be a router between the TROY XCD print server and the OS/2 system). If there is a router, you may use BOOTP or other methods described in Chapter 4 to enter the IP address. Also, this method only works the first time the TROY XCD print server is configured. If the TROY XCD print server already has an IP address, you may use