where sharename is the share name associated with the print queue and printername is the name of the printer from Step 1.
PATHWORKS V4.X Server Setup Instructions:
1.Create a VMS queue as described in previous sections.
2.Run PCSA_MANAGER on the VMS system.
a.Type MENU to get the PCSA menu.
c.Select ADD SERVICE (do not use the ADD PRINTER QUEUE option, as this will add a PCL printer reset that will affect PostScript printing.
e.Enter service name (pick any name)
f.Enter VMS queue name (previously defined)
g.Enter VMS form name (use the default if you do not have a specific form defined)
PC Setup Instructions (All Versions):
1.Perform the following steps on the PC to connect to the print service you created in the previous steps:
a.If you are using DOS, type the command USE LPTx:\\node\service at the DOS prompt, where x is the PC parallel port number, node is the DECnet node name and service is the service name picked previously. For example: