filter no. Description
4This filter enables the HP Tagged Binary Communications Protocol to allow AppleTalk binary jobs to be printed via the parallel port.
filter no. Description
5This filter enables LN03 emulation on the specified service (XConnect 100 models only)
The service TEXT_pp is predefined with the text filter, while the service XCD_xxxxxx_pp_AT has the AppleTalk filter enabled. To use a filter with other services, use the following command:
where name is the name of the service and fltrno is the number of the filter (e.g., 1 for the text filter).
Changing the Service Name
The default service names are rather long and difficult to remember. If you want to change a service name to something more meaningful, execute the following command from the print server remote console:
SET SERVICE oldname NAME newname
Using Service Names with LAT, TCP/IP, or NetWare
To use a service in LAT, specify the /SERVICE option instead of the /PORT option when defining the LATCP port. For example: