via the POP3 server. If this does not work, there may be an E-mail configuration problem on the PC, on the local E-mail server, or on the remote POP3 server. Double check to make sure that the E-mail parameters that you configured on the PC and on the remote print server match those that are configured on the E-mail servers.
If you can print small files OK but are having trouble printing large files, the problem may be in the E-mail system. Some E-Mail systems have difficulties printing files that are larger than about 400KB in length. To verify this, try sending the large file as an attachment to an E-mail message. If the file does not reach its destination intact, then the problem is with the E-Mail system.
If you get an SMTP error when using a WINSOCK connection, you may need to configure the hosts file on your Windows 95/98/NT system. To do this create a file named HOSTS in the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory (or edit this file if it already exists) and add an entry for your mail server similar to the following using the DOS editor (substitute the actual IP address and name of your SMTP mail server):
If you require additional support, contact TROY XCD Technical support at (949) 399-0820, FAX: (949) 399-0825, E-mail: support@troyxcd.com.
Print Server Console Command Summary
The following PrintraNet-related configuration and status commands are available from the TROY XCD print server
PrintraNet Internet Printing 13-15