-The tty is a valid LAT tty (execute the command
file /dev/tty* grep LAT and observe if the device has a "39" in its description).
-The device is in the /etc/ttys file and in the /dev directory.
-The same tty number was entered throughout the configuration process.
7.Intermittent random queue pauses can be caused if the VMS LAT port is not set up as spooled device. Type SHOW DEVICE LTAxxx from the VMS console; if the device is not spooled, type SET DEVICE/SPOOL LTAxxx command. (One exception: PATHWORKS for MACINTOSH queues should not be set up with the LTA device set as spooled).
8.Make sure that PROCESSOR=LATSYM is enabled on your VMS print queue if you get any of the following symptoms:
-The queue pauses when you power off the print server for no apparent reason.
-The print server generates excessive LAT traffic on the network
-Only one host computer can access the print server and others are locked out
9.If the VMS LAT symbiont abruptly terminates and shuts down one or more queues, the problem may be the result of the inability of the LAT symbiont to handle the load