SET PORT <parallelportname> DMA [ENDIS]

Enables/disables DMA support on parallel port (not available on Pony Print Server Plus or XConnect II Lite)

SET PORT <parallelportname> FSTB [ENDIS]

Enables/disables fast strobe mode support on parallel port

SET PORT <parallelportname> NBUF [ENDIS]

Enables/disables no buffer support on parallel port

SET PORT <serialportname> FLow [NOXOCTDS]

Set serial port flow control to NONE, XON/XOFF, CTS, or DSR

SET PORT <serialportname> PArity <parity>

Set serial port parity to NONE, EVEN, ODD, MARK, or SPACE

SET PORT <serialportname> SIgnal [ENDIS]

Enables/disables DTR signal check on serial port

SET PORT <serialportname> SPeed <baudrate>

Sets serial port baud rate from 300 - 57600 bits per second

SET PORT <serialportname> STop [12]

Sets serial port stop bits per character

SET PROtect <password>

Set console protection password to prevent access to SET commands (use UNPROTECT command to access SET commands)

SET SERVEr DEscription

Sets node description string displayed with SHOW SERVER command

SET SERVEr STRing n "..."

Defines server BOT/EOT string (see Appendix B)

SET SERVIce <servicename> <protocol> [ENDIS]

Enable or disables specified protocol on the specified service.

SET SERVIce <servicename> BOT nn

Set service BOT string to nn (see Appendix B)

Command Summary A-5

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Image 207
TROY Group MAN-EXT2000 manual Command Summary A-5