Figure 8...
Figure 8... - 6: Destination File icon
Figure 8...
-7: Save Net button
Adding Icons
Two icons are available on the Icon Toolbar for use in construction of the
The Math icon provides algebraic processing of data as it passes from input to output. In Figure 8...
The Destination File icon represents storage to file of all signals connected to its inputs. Up to 36 inputs can be connected to the File icon when it is used as an Excel file or 24 when used as an ASCII file. Each time a User adds a connection, an additional input terminal appears.
Multiple File icons can be connected in a net for simultaneous storage of different signals and/or multiple file formats.
Connecting Icons
Icons are connected using the standard drag and drop connection method as used for construction of HyperNet Program Nets. The order of connections made to the Destination File icon determines their sequence in the resulting file.
Unconnected Memory icons will not be processed nor included in the Destination File.
Other Post-Processing Net Development Options
As in the development of a Program Net from within HyperNet, various tools such as Grid, Snap, and Print Net options are available from the Menu Bar.
Saving the Post-Processing Net
Upon completion of the Net, it can be saved for later use with the menu selection File/Save Net As or with the Save Net button. The saved Post- Processing Net can then be opened at a later time for conversion of additional
An Example: Every day, a