Output Name: Specify a name for the Output signal from this icon. This Output Name will be referenced by other icons downstream in the Program Net.
Units: Provides a text box for User entry of a units label that will be shown at the output from this icon. Conversion to other units can be performed within a Program Net by adding a Math Icon onto this icon’s output.
Event / Counter / Frequency Select EVENT for the Event function.
Debounce: Enables a hardware filter circuit that prevents short duration transitions from passing into the icon. Debounce can be used to filter out contact bounce from mechanical switches. The
FYI: Contact bounce is a phenomenon that occurs when a mechanical switch opens or closes. During switching, the physical electrical contacts inside the switch bounce against each other a number of times before they settle to their final state.
Depending on the duty cycle of the contact bounce, the
Output TRUE when Input is HIGH / LOW: Allows logical reversal of the Output with respect to the input state.