Icon Name: Specify the label for the icon. This name will show directly under the icon within the Program Net.

Output is True when: Check boxes are provided for User selection of up to five conditions, any of which will cause the icon Output to go True. Note that the Output will only stay TRUE while the condition is true. The five conditions are:

1.Memory Becomes __%Full - Output latches TRUE if Logger memory is filled to the specified percentage. Output goes LOW when Memory is cleared (unless some other conditon is true, forcing the Warning icon Output TRUE).

2.Sample Missed - Output latches TRUE if a sample is missed (ie not taken at the Sample Rate Clock commanded time) during execution of a Program Net. This can occur if a Net requires more time to process than the User has specified via Sample Rate Clock Update rates. Note that missing a sample does not cause the Program Net to stop. The Output is reset LOW when the Program Net is Stopped.

3.Power Failure - a Power Failure occurs when the Logger power supply voltage falls below a useable level. If this occurs, the Logger stops execution of the Program Net, preserves data memory, and sets a memory marker (flag) that indicates that a Power Failure has occurred. When the power to the Logger returns, the Warning icon Output latches TRUE indicating that a Power Failure has occurred, and the Logger will automatically resume execution of the Program Net however the icon Output will remain TRUE. The Output is set LOW when the Program Net is stopped. This condition is mainly used to indicate to a User that a Power Failure occurred at some time. For warning of impending power failure, use the Power Low condition (above).

4.System RESET - if a System RESET occurs, the Output latches TRUE. The Watch-Dog Timer or a front panel RESET can cause a System RESET to occur. The Output is set LOW when the Program Net is stopped.

5.Runtime Error - if a Runtime Error occurs, the Output latches TRUE. Runtime errors should normally not occur, but could be caused by a corrupted Program Net in the Logger’s memory. A Runtime error could also be caused by incompatible Logger and HyperWare versions. The Output is set LOW when the Program Net is stopped.

Output Name: Specify a name for the Output signal from this icon. This Output Name will be referenced by other icons downstream in the Program Net.



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Omega Vehicle Security OMP-MODL manual 11-94