Modem/RS-232:Specifies the type of communication

Phone Number: This is the phone number that will be called if telephone modem communication is selected.

Retries: If a call is unsuccessful, the dialing sequence will be repeated the specified number of times.

Retry Delay: If a call is unsuccessful, the logger will wait the specified time before attempting again.

Output Upon Communication Failure: Checking this box will cause an output to appear. This outup goes TRUE if a the logger fails to connect to the PC.

Pop-Up Message: Causes a pop-up message. to be displayed on the PC running HAP. This message will contain some basic header information as well as the following if selected.

Send All Active Messages: If this bo is cheked, the Pop-up message will contain all active system messages.

Custom Message: If this box is checked a custom message can be entered.

Data Download: Check this box to perform a download of logger memory.

Base Download Filename: Specifies the first few characters of the downloaded filename. HAP will append the base filename with “__last”. If a file with that name already exists, hap will rename the older file to the base filename appended with __X where X is a number

Data Download File Format, *HLD/*XLS/*CSV: Specify the output file type.

Clear Memory After Download: Check this box to clear memory after the data is downloaded.

Generate Report: Check this box to generate an Excel report.

Use Report Template Name: Specify the report template to use. This template must be generated using HAP

Output Report Name: Name of the report file




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Omega Vehicle Security OMP-MODL manual 11-104