Absolute Value | ABS(Y) | Absolute value of Y |
Natural Log | LOG(Y) | Natural log of Y |
Zeroize | ZERO(X) | Zero if X is negative, X otherwise |
Log Base 10 | LOG10(X) | Base 10 log of X |
Sine | SIN(Y) | Sine of Y |
Cosine | COS(X) | Cosine of X |
Tangent | TAN(Y) | Tangent of Y |
ArcCosine | ACOS(X) | ArcCosine of X |
ArcSine | ASIN(X) | ArcSine of X |
ArcTangent | ATAN(X) | ArcTangent of X |
ArcTangent2 | ATAN2(Y) | ArcTangent2 is accurate for values |
| of X very close to and equal to 0 |
TC converter1 | TC_J(X,Y) | Temperature calculation using type J |
| thermocouple input in mV (X) and |
| CJC input in ohms(Y) |
TC converter | TC_K(X,Y) | Same as above for type K |
TC converter | TC_E(X,Y) | Same as above for type E |
TC converter | TC_T(X,Y) | Same as above for type T |
TC converter | TC_R(X,Y) | Same as above for type R |
TC converter | TC_S(X,Y) | Same as above for type S |
Math Library: A math function library is provided for storing User defined equations that may be used frequently.
To save a function, enter the equation in the Math Function text box, then select Save To. A dialog will open allowing for User entry of a short comment about the function to be saved. After entry of the comment, selecting OK saves the function to the User Function Library for future recall.
To retrieve a function for use, select Browse and a dialog will open allowing access to the
Functions can be deleted by highlighting, then clicking on the Remove button.
Units: Provides a text box for User entry of a units label that will be shown at the output from this icon.
Output Name: Specify the label for the Output. This name will show directly under the Output terminal within the Program Net.
Output When: Defines when the Output is updated. If inputs to the icon are updated at different times/rates (asynchronously), the User can specify when the Output should be updated.
X or Y Updated - The Output is updated if either the X or the Y inputs are Updated.
X input Updated - The Output is updated only when the X input is Updated. If a calculation is performed that uses the Y input, the last Y input value will be used in the calculation and the Output will be updated.
1See Example Nets in Appendix B for application ideas on use of the TC Converter functions.